Yesterday Z decided that he wanted to do a face mask so immediately I began looking all over Pinterest and Google and found a few great ones - but never trying a face mask before I wasn't totally sure what I was looking for.
So we ventured out to Ulta and the esthetician on hand recommended this:
Freeman Facial Clay Mask with Avocado and Oatmeal
AND it was less than four dollars! [Note: Yes, at first I was skeptical because I strongly believe you get what you pay for but the lady said it was a really good mask - regardless of the cost.]
Then last night we followed the instructions on the back and covered our face completely.

The product stung a little at first for me [not for Z though] but had a cooling effect as it dried and hardened. What was crazy was that underneath you could see what the mask was extracting from your pores even while the mask was on - we waited about twenty minutes or so until it was completely dry and we couldn't move our face at all then washed it off with warm water. The result was skin that was completely soft, evened out skin tones, and no flakey skin!
NOW that I know what a traditional face mask is supposed to do and feel like I am ready to venture out and try some of the DIY found online - that will be next weekends adventure :)
What are some of your favorite face masks and exfoliators?